Enjoying the view of Danube, the castle and the old city from the top of the UFO Bridge - Bratislava, Slovakia
Hiking below Eiger - near Kleine Scheidegg, Switzerland
Scuba diving in Akti Kalogrias - near Nikiti, Greece
Watching the flamingos settling at Larnaca Salt Lake and making it their winter home - Larnaca, Cyprus
Watching the sun set behind Sultan Ahmet Camii - Istanbul, Turkey
Enjoying the view from the Karraba peninsula (Il-Karraba) - near Mġarr, Malta
Feet cooling off in Oeschinensee - near Kandersteg, Switzerland
Waiting for the boat to take me back to Helsinki - Suomenlinna, Finland
Checking the Donaupark below the Donauturm - Vienna, Austria
Walking in Tianhe Nan, towards CITIC Plaza - Guangzhou, People's Republic of China
Watching Sava river meet Danube river from the walls of the fortress - Belgrade, Serbia
Resting below Fort Lovrijenac with a view of west harbor and Fort Bokar - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Adding one more man to the 4 Men at Sea - Esbjerg, Denmark
Trying to get a decent selfie at Victoria Peak - Hong Kong SAR, People's Republic of China
Morning run in Barceloneta - Barcelona, Spain
Riding a Bactrian camel in Khugnu Tarna valley - near Ulaanshiveet, Mongolia
Gazing at the sea next to the Medieval Castle - Larnaca, Cyprus
At the Wutong mountain peak - Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Admiring L'Isla architecture while on a boat from Valletta to Birgu - near Birgu, Malta
Roaming in the salt pans - Marsaskala, Malta
Posing outside the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics - Moscow, Russia
Mocking Napoleon's Army Soldier at Hlavné námestie - Bratislava, Slovakia
Checking the view from Panagitsa - Skopelos, Greece
Crossing the suspended bridge to Aryapala Temple in Gorkhi Terelj National Park - near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Gazing at the endless sea from the city walls - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Night walk down the famous Takeshita street - Tokyo, Japan
Gazing at Seimon Stonebridge in the entrance of the Imperial Palace - Tokyo, Japan
Trying to figure what these tubes are for at Copernicus Science Center - Warsaw, Poland
Watching Rioni river passing under the Red Bridge from Rustaveli Bridge - Kutaisi, Georgia
Getting some rest while trekking in the sand dunes of Elsen Tasarkhai desert during heavy snow fall - near Kharkhorin, Mongolia
Enjoying the sun in the canals around the béguinage - Bruges, Belgium
Morning run through Nyhavn - Copenhagen, Denmark
Roaming in Red Square - Moscow, Russia
Enjoying the view of the Blagaj Tekija in the source spring of the Buna river - near Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Capturing a panorama of Orkhon River valley from the Mongol States Monument - near Kharkhorin, Mongolia
Capturing a photoshpere on top of an anonymous peak on Tymfi mountain above Drakolimni - near Mikro Papingo, Greece
Capturing a still of an ice formation in the cold desert of Elsen Tasarkhai - near Kharkhorin, Mongolia
Trying to capture the fire runs (Correfoc) during 2015 La Mercè - Barcelona, Spain
Rolling a cigarette for a true Mongolian cowboy while riding horses on our way to Turtle Rock - near Gachuurt, Mongolia
Rolling a cigarette in front of Vijećnica, the City Hall - Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Watching Palace of Culture & Science from hotel room - Warsaw, Poland
Ascending mount Olympus - near Litochoro, Greece
Commenting the Roman Forum view at Palatine Hill - Rome, Italy
Having a bikeride break behind Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Posing for the wedding photographer (Giannis Angelou) - Potidaea, Greece
Watching Vardar (Axios) river from the Stone Bridge - Skopje, FYROM
Trying to capture the beauty of Varvara waterfalls - near Poligiros, Greece
Relaxing by Drakolimni - near Mikro Papingo, Greece
Capturing a panorama of Colosseum - Rome, Italy
During a morning run near Dragon Cave - Kastoria, Greece
Roaming inside the San Giovanni castle after a long hike of the city walls - Kotor, Montenegro
Watching Okatse River from the top of Kinchkha Waterfall - near Kutaisi, Georgia
Sitting with the crowd on the cobblestone Old Town Square - Prague, Czech Republic
Posing with Matterhorn in the background in Trockener Steg - near Zermatt, Switzerland
In the statue of anonymous history writer opposite the Vajdahunyad Castle in Varosliget - Budapest, Hungary
Posing in front of the sign of the Fuji-Subaru 5th station, the start of the climbing path to the peak of Mount Fuji - near Kawaguchi, Japan
Glass reflection over city skyline from the top floor of KK100 - Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Camping at unnamed peak of Mount Chortiatis - near Thessaloniki, Greece
Roaming around Choijin Lama Temple - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Sightseeing with rental bikes - Copenhagen, Denmark
Trying to make a leap of faith and jump in Skala Gorge - near Zagliveri, Greece
Relaxing after a hard work day with a late night walk in Sha Po (沙埔头村) neighborhood of Futian - Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Enjoying the brief moment of sunlight outside Central Station - Malmö, Sweeden
Enjoying the view of Strymonian gulf from the peak of St. George - near Asprovalta, Greece
Grabbing a bite in Hubei, Shenzhen's most well preserved urban village - Shenzhen, People's Republic of China
Admiring the sunset behind the clouds on top of the Azure Window - near San Lawrenz, Malta
Fun posing in front of Kravica Waterfalls - near Ljubuški, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Posing like a Kusturica star in KĂĽstendorf - near UĹľice, Serbia
Amazed from the mountain line view around Oeschinensee - near Kandersteg, Switzerland
Mocking at the camera in front of Duomo di Milano - Milan, Italy
Enjoying a panoramic view of Kotor from the top of the city fortifications - Kotor, Montenegro
Getting a break from preparing our booth for Mobile World Congress 2017 - Barcelona, Spain
Trying to capture the beautiful sun rays coming through the clouds behind the East Side Gallery - Berlin, Germany
Posing in front of the Newborn Monument - Prishtina, Kosovo
Admiring the Siege Bell War Memorial - Valletta, Malta
Sailing in Singitic gulf - near Sikia, Greece
Enjoying a glass of wine in Malá Strana - Prague, Czech Republic
Enjoying the view from the roof edge of the 175m tall TV tower - Tallinn, Estonia
Climbing to reach Muses' Plateau through the Tumba Towers approach - near Litochoto, Greece

Nikos Mouratidis

It's me.